Upstate Church Collective Stories

The Gift of Community

by Celina Ledford

Thinking back on the time that I spent in UCC Lead with my cohort - I treasure the moments and material that has made such an impact in understanding how to analyze, observe, and interpret scripture in order to be able to thoroughly teach the context and implications of passages in the Bible to others and understanding how God has gifted us all uniquely to benefit each other as a whole in a biblical community setting. But the most important aspect that I will never forget was the community that I was gifted through the cohort that I was placed in. To be able to grow with other ladies that challenge each other through deep vulnerability and honest conversations about our lives in Christ, our church settings, and exploring what makes us all different yet wonderfully made by our Heavenly Father. This experience allowed me to see the heart of leadership of different churches in the Upstate and how we all desire to lead others with integrity, transparency, and face the hard conversations that continue to mold the model of what discipleship looks like and how leaders can encourage others to take the mantle and live intentionally in the environments that God has so graciously placed us all in and how we can support each other in the process.

We are all unique expressions of Jesus' life in and through us.